Imagine a feature that could tell you which fans were most likely to engage with your posts, clickthrough to your website, or install your app. Or on the flip side, show you which fans may be irrelevant and will barely ever engage with your content. Showing page admins which fans are valuable or irrelevant could change the face of your Facebook Marketing Strategy.
It seems like Facebook could be rolling this out in the future.
Recently a Facebook user found a section in his Facebook Page Settings that added these two new fan groupings: “Valuable” and “Irrelevant.”
This test was confirmed by a Facebook spokesperson but when asked if this could identify influencers, in terms of engagement, the Facebook spokesperson said,
“Not necessarily, it was a test so we were looking all sorts of options… We do tests to gauge a number of things, so we gauged what we needed to and pulled back to iterate. Standard for us.”
Sounds like standard Facebook-speak so I’d be on the lookout for this to be turned live on your accounts in the future. Check back with us for the latest on Facebook News.