9 Email Marketing Segments To Focus On For eCommerce

Email Marketing is a super important piece of your eCommerce strategy. Segmenting your audience makes email marketing INCREDIBLY EASY!

Here are 9 Key Segments

  1. 30-day Engaged – Opened an email in the last 30 days.
    Ideal for maintaining high open rates and engagement.
  2. 120-day Engaged – Opened an email in the last 120 days.
    Useful for big events or discounts targeting casual fans.
  3. 7-day Active – Active on the site in the last week.
    High buying intent, suitable for time-sensitive offers.
  4. 30-day Active – Active on the site in the last month.
    Requires messaging that handles objections and promotes the product’s value.
  5. Purchased at Least Once – Have made at least one purchase.
    Reliable for feedback on new products and discounts.
  6. Localized Subscribers – Identified by city or state via IP data.
    Useful for location-specific promotions or notifications.
  7. VIP Customers – Purchased three times or spent 5x AOV.
    Should receive early access to deals and special offers.
  8. Likely GenderedI – dentified as likely male or female.
    Effective for gender-specific campaigns like Valentine’s Day.
  9. Recent Subscribers – Joined the list in the last 14 days.
    Need education on products and brand culture.
9 Email Marketing Segments To Focus On For eCommerce

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